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DFES interactive map

The Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) map is a visual representation of the scenario projections which we use for long term strategic network planning.

This map displays the scenario projections at an Electricity Supply Area (ESA) or Local Authority level. You can view bespoke reports for each Local Authority by clicking on the map.

The study uses scenarios that align with the Net Zero 2050 targets as set by the UK government and the following are the main points to note about the map:

  • All customers connected to the National Grid Electricity Distribution network within the geographic area of a Local Authority are represented in Distribution Future Energy Scenarios aggregated to a Local Authority level. As a result, this includes customers connected at all voltage levels.
  •  Local Authority totals only consider areas supplied by National Grid Electricity Distribution; projections outside the filtered National Grid Electricity Distribution licence boundary are not considered. Examples include connections directly into the transmission networks or geographical areas covered by other Distribution Network Operators (DNOs).

Interactive map

To help you get started using our Distribution Future Energy Scenario (DFES) interactive map we have made an introductory video that explains the how to use to explore the data.