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Earnings and use cases

Flexibility payments can vary across locations. We assign a ceiling price (which is the maximum payment for Flexibility provided in a certain location). The ceiling prices also vary across location and depend on the voltage level the asset is participating at. We publish our data on ceiling prices, requirement volumes and profiles to our Connected Data Portal (CDP).

The below use cases are representative and given only as examples of potential earnings over a six-month Winter period. Potential earnings vary from zone to zone, as does the Availability and Utilisation prices.



The example below is of a domestic scenario, where you have control of 150 7kW EV chargers.

Aggregated Domestic EV Chargers x 150

Flexibility Zone: St David’s Primary

Installed Capacity (150 x 7kW)

1.05 MW

At peak timings, the DSO models that each charger would be using 0.83kW, based on the Winter Baseline Values (150 x 0.83)

0.0125 MW 

You are confident you can turn all EV’s to zero and deliver the full Flexible Capacity

0.0125 MW (Flexible Capacity)

Utilisation - You are scheduled to deliver your Flexible Capacity for 129 hours

£2910.16 (Utilisation Payments)

Total revenue


Calculations based on SU_SEP product, Utilisation only, in Winter Short Term trades from October 2023 – March 2024. Utilisation MW/H £1812.



The example below is of a commercial scenario, where you have control of a battery storage asset with a capacity of 0.5MW.

Battery Storage = 0.5MW

Flexibility Zone: Morwenstow

Installed Capacity of the battery

0.5 MW

At peak timings, the DSO models that the battery would be importing at full capacity

0.5 MW 

You are confident you can reduce the import to zero

0.5 MW (Flexible Capacity)

Awarded Availability – Your Flexible Capacity is contracted to deliver, if called upon, for 228 hours

£2,440.80 (Availability Payments)

Utilisation - You are called upon to deliver your Flexible Capacity for 18 hours

£9,158.13 (Utilisation Payments)

Total Revenue


Calculations based on SAOU_DA product, in Winter Short Term trades from October 2023 – March 2024. Availability MW/H £16.95 Utilisation MW/H £1017.57