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Data centre




Flexibility Market Development Data

These datasets are related to Flexibility Requirements, Trades Data and Results, Active Network Management (ANM) Curtailment, Flexibility Reports and Archive.

Future Energy Scenario Data

These datasets display a range of different, credible ways to decarbonise our energy system as we strive towards the 2050 target. FES has an important role to play in stimulating debate and helping shape the energy system of the future. 

Network Assets and System Operation Information and Data

Information and data related to network assets and system operation; for example the various Long Term Development Statement tables. 

Historical data and real time electricity demand


Data Related to Connections

These datasets relate to connections to the distribution network, such as the Embedded Capacity Register, low carbon technology, new connections and smart metering data. 


Innovation is core to our business strategy. We always seek to find better ways of working. We have adopted many innovative ideas into day to day operations that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the way we deliver our services to customers.